Since the 21st century, we are more globally connected than we have ever been. International travellers easily step into an airplane and fly overseas, where an open border welcomes them. It has become so common, that when the pandemic hit, we had to adapt to a totally new world. To tackle the Covid-19, many countries imposed entry restrictions and border closures, which caused an unprecedented 65% decrease in international travel during the first half of the year (UNWTO, 2020).
Today, the border restrictions as well as the vaccine programme are taking more time than anticipated. The impact on business travel has been particularly severe, confronting organizations with the challenge of how to create an organic work culture in remote collaboration. In this webinar, we will be taking a closer look at the new business travel paradigm. How do the hospitality and tourism industries pivot to the new normal? How do companies achieve efficiency in the new hybrid workplace model? But also, is the increasing awareness of sustainability and health impacting the hospitality and tourism industry?
We are honoured to have Rainer Stampfer (President, Hotel Operations, APAC at Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts), Ivan Breiter (Director South East Asia at Switzerland Tourism), Raagulan Pathy (Head of Enterprise, APAC at Zoom Video Communications) and Royston Toh (CEO at The Working Capitol) joining the panel discussion on this captivating and highly important topic. The webinar will be moderated by Meera Jane Navaratnam, Growth Strategist at Accenture Singapore.
Join us in this interesting session to receive insights from experts and ask your questions.